Sterling Senior Center
The Town of Sterling’s Senior Center is currently located in the basement of the Town Hall. In order to provide better facilities and more programming space, the Town asked Richard Alvord Architects to research various available property in the Town for use as the Senior Center. We worked with the Town Selectmen, Board of Health, Conservation Commission and Council on Aging to explore properties with existing structures and vacant land.
After careful evaluation of a variety of properties, the Council of Aging settled on two properties – a 1905 Inn and an 1850 Church building. Richard Alvord Architects evaluated both properties for existing building issues, corrective work, ADA compliance, Code and Regulation requirements, site issues, energy use and cost. We provided schematic plans for both properties as well as a list of upgrades, an updated program based on our conversations with the Council-on-Aging and a line item estimate to show how and where funds would be spent.
The project is currently being evaluated by the Board of Selectmen and Town officials to decide on the next steps for making the Senior Center a reality.